Join our Free Loyalty Club
As a loyal customer of our pubs you are invited to join our
You will be able to earn discount on your purchases and have access to exclusive promotions.
Each time you visit us present your card to receive discounts against your purchases at any of our pubs. You will receive 5% discount on all purchases** and ’Special’ increased discount on certain items at differing times of the year that we will inform you of via our newsletter that will be emailed to you.
You will also benefit from exclusive offers only made to our LOYALTY CLUB holders.
In addition you will receive special invitations to our promotional days, also only available to LOYALTY CLUB holders.
Please hand your completed application form in at the bar or send to the address attached. Yes please, I want to join Inns of Distinction FREE LOYALTY CLUB and receive discounts for every qualifying purchase I make with exclusive emails and promotional offers.